Reviews on English

Ilsia Ramazanova, Emir's mum

2024-01-25 13:00
We#nbsp;were looking for a#nbsp;kindergarten with a#nbsp;good level of#nbsp;English. Judging by#nbsp;the reviews of#nbsp;friends, the#nbsp;BC kindergarten was the best fit for these criteria, since some of#nbsp;the best foreign native-speaking teachers who have extensive experience working with children are concentrated here.

At#nbsp;the moment, being a#nbsp;BC kindergarten student, we#nbsp;can see a#nbsp;huge improvement our son has made. Emir progressed from practically zero to#nbsp;a#nbsp;very good level of#nbsp;English. We#nbsp;are very lucky to#nbsp;have a#nbsp;professional native teacher, Mr. Matthew, working with our children. Children are completely immersed in#nbsp;the language environment. And the most important thing is#nbsp;that for them learning English is#nbsp;a#nbsp;pleasure. Everything is#nbsp;so#nbsp;soft and comfortable, since Mr. Matthew spends almost his entire working day with them. Emir happily runs to#nbsp;kindergarten in#nbsp;the mornings, and in#nbsp;the evenings he#nbsp;only complains that he#nbsp;was picked up#nbsp;early.

We#nbsp;like that Emir is#nbsp;motivated to#nbsp;learn, that the teachers of#nbsp;this kindergarten know how to#nbsp;interest children. The teaching staff of#nbsp;Bala City constantly comes up#nbsp;with interesting events for both children and parents as#nbsp;well. A#nbsp;very rich programme, full of#nbsp;exciting events.

It#nbsp;is#nbsp;very convenient for us, as#nbsp;working parents, that by#nbsp;sending our child to#nbsp;this kindergarten, we#nbsp;are sure that Emir will receive holistic development in#nbsp;one place. After all, both Russian and Cambridge programmes are concentrated here, and there is#nbsp;also the opportunity to#nbsp;choose extra-curricular clubs according to#nbsp;your taste.

We#nbsp;are confident about our children, because in#nbsp;addition to#nbsp;the high level of#nbsp;the educational process, the food and care of#nbsp;children complies with sanitary standards and rules.

We#nbsp;would like to#nbsp;express our deep gratitude for the unique education system of#nbsp;your kindergarten! For keeping up#nbsp;with the times!

Thank you!