Reviews on English

Aysel Minkina, Karina’s mum

2024-01-25 14:55
Aysel joined#nbsp;BC in#nbsp;2018. Now our second child Kayum attends this kindergarten too.

There is#nbsp;a#nbsp;wonderful, friendly, family-like atmosphere in#nbsp;this kindergarten; children are surrounded by#nbsp;sincere love, care and attention. The educational programme is#nbsp;excellent: foreign languages, physical education, lively, very warm attitude towards children. I#nbsp;would especially like to#nbsp;note the parties and special events that are held in#nbsp;the kindergarten: these are always parties with elegant costumes, actors, and a#nbsp;rich programme. Our family expresses a#nbsp;special huge thank you to#nbsp;the entire#nbsp;BC team.

First of#nbsp;all, to#nbsp;the general director Albina Munirovna, head of#nbsp;campus, teachers, medical staff and the whole team. You supported us, our child, in#nbsp;a#nbsp;difficult life situation. You showed a#nbsp;lot of#nbsp;empathy and were professional and warmhearted. We#nbsp;are very grateful to#nbsp;you, wishing you prosperity and all the best.