Reviews on English

Svetlana Plezhshinskaya, Amelia’s mum

For our eldest daughter, we chose the kindergarten very carefully. It was important for us what kind of atmosphere there is in the class, how the educational programme is organized, what attention is paid to languages, how they feed and how much they hear the child. And we made a choice in favour of Bala City in 2018. When our son was born, we no longer chose anything, we knew exactly where he would go. Amelia went to the kindergarten at the age of 2 years and 4 months, Daniel at the age of 1 year and 6 months (because we trusted the kindergarten and did not see the point in looking for a nanny). Amelia studied for two years in a regular group, then moved to the Cambridge group at Dubrava Campus.

Amelia says that Bala City is the best kindergarten in the world because:

- only here children can perform on the big stage of the “Pyramid” Concert Hall at the age of 6 and at the “Sabantuy” festival at the age of 4-5;

– here are the best teachers (My Museum, Bala-Art, Cheerleading, Robotics, Singing, Science, Chinese);

This is where she met her best friend.

We, as parents, value in our kindergarten:

- an approach to education, where the child gets the opportunity to express himself, to learn about the world around him, to develop communication skills;

- practising English with a native speaker, when the child actively and successfully uses English while travelling, reads books and watches cartoon films in the original;

– a high level of interaction between the Bala City kindergarten and parents (parents’ club, family holidays with children and themed events for mums / dads);

– individual approach to the child and readiness to look for solutions together in non-standard situations;

- and a bonus - an excellent environment for new acquaintances among parents of interest: going to ballet with mums, an exhibition, breakfasts after matinees, children's birthdays - they are always bright and warm.

Many of our family friends are surprised at Amelia's knowledge and skills, and my husband and I believe that this is largely due to our right decision in choosing a kindergarten. We plan to continue our education with Bala City, as we chose to enter Bala-City school.